Sunday, January 18, 2009

2009 - Portland, OR Real Estate Whirlwind

Wow, where did 2008 go? And for that matter what happened to January? So far 2009 has been quite the whirlwind. After the crazy holiday season of 2008, in which I think the entire world stopped spinning, 2009 seems to be putting the globe back in motion. I have seen a flurry of activity, not just in real estate, but just in general. I think being cooped up for 2 weeks due to snow has renewed everyone’s desire to get out and be productive. I know it has for me!

Just to answer the question I always get, YES I am still working in Real Estate! Secondly, to the question of ‘How is the real estate market?’, it is actually a little crazy. I have seen several things happen. First off, I have had all kinds of calls wanting to cash in on the ridiculously low interest rates. I know my contacts in the mortgage industry have had their phones ringing off the hook. I have seen rates stay between 4.5% and 5% which historically is about as low as they’ve ever been. So, if you’re thinking about refinancing, now is the time! If you need a referral, I work with a few very solid brokers that could get you dialed in. Just call or e-mail me. I have also seen a lot of people looking to buy a home for the same reason. With rates as low as they are, and the price of housing dropping as it has, there are some absolute steals out there. When you start doing the math, you are able to get a lot more house for the same monthly payment. If you are looking at a price point between $350,000 and $400,000 your payment will be similar to what a $300,000 house payment was just a few months ago. Add in the fact that the average sales price in December 2008, as compared to December 2007, has dropped nearly $50,000, and you’ve got a ton of purchasing power. I know that’s kind of confusing, but you can always call and I will draw you a pretty little picture including stick figures, charts, and graphs. The moral of the story is that now is a great time to buy!

Outside of that, things for me are going well. I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. Just let me know if there is anything I can do for you, or if you have any friends or family that are looking to buy or sell a home. Also, if you get a chance, check out my new and improved website:

Aaron Stelle
Real Estate Broker
Licensed in OR & WA
e-PRO RE /MAX equity group, inc.
Direct: 503.495.3264
Mobile: 503.515.7557
Fax: 866.597.9159

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