I am desperately begging for all your help. I can't explain to anyone how important the Autism Insurance Reform Bills will be for not only my son, but thousands of other children in our State. Literally, Tyler's future is resting in if these Bills can get passed here in Oregon. Without the Bills, we can not afford to keep Tyler in his therapies that have been a huge miracle for us and especially for him in the future. I know you have seen my emails and my posts on Facebook, but I don't know if you actually understand what these Bills can do for families with children with Autism. Please read the update from Paul Terdal and pass this email to as many people as you can. We are trying for a "grassroots" movement to not let Insurance Companies get away with delaying the reform and to stop the discrimination against my son and thousands of other children.
Here is what I need you to do. It will literally take 2 minutes to send an email. That is all I ask..... actually beg of you!
• Contact your own state legislators – again – and ask them to call upon both the House Health Care committee and Senate Health Care, Human Services and Rural Health committee to schedule votes to approve HB2214 and SB555. Tell them that the insurance companies have dragged their feet long enough, and that we should follow the lead of 24 other states in passing comprehensive Autism Health Insurance Reform now. You can find your legislator’s contact information at: http://www.leg.state.or.us/findlegsltr/
• Send an e-mail to Sen. Laurie Monnes Anderson, the Chair of the Senate Health Care, Human Services and Rural Health committee; ask her (politely) to schedule a vote on SB555, and to support it. Her e-mail address is: sen.lauriemonnesanderson@state.or.us
You can read below about more updates. I have attended two of the hearing and listened to the 3rd (invite only to Insurance Companies) on the web. There is substantial evidence this will actually save tax payers money and probably will not increase insurance rates by any more than $.20 cents a month per member, if that!!! It will actual save an estimate of 65 million dollars for the school budget by helping reduce the early intervention/special education as parents (like me) will provide this privately through insurance. This will open it up to the families of low income, who have no insurance, or who can not afford the high deductible and co-pays from the insurance companies. We stopped the County program (for free paid by tax payers) with Tyler once we started with his private services. If you want more information before you decide to support the Bills, please let me know. You can also visit www.autismvotes.org. I know State Budget and deficit is important to people, so I want to make it clear these Bills are not adding but will actual save in the State Budget over time. Goodness... the States passing these Bills are the most conservative red States there are!!! It is a very bi-partisan Bill and should have complete support from the citizens.
Please pass this along to your Friends and Family and ask them to take two minutes to send an email as well.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Oregon Bills HB2214 and SB555 - Autism from a Parent's Perspective
If you haven't heard or read about Oregon House Bill HB 2214 or Senate Bill SB555 you are probably not alone. The only reason I know about it is becasue of my coworker, Angela Wright, who sent me the email below. She is one of the most caring and wonderful people I have ever met, and I have seen and heard first hand about the strides she has made with her son. Please read the email below and please take the time to act on it!
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