Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Flying - Not What It Used To Be


After two long fights in the last week, it made me think about how much flying has changed over the years.  I remember the days when I used to enjoy flying.  These days however, I can't think of much in life that is more stressful or physically taxing than flying.  Since 9/11, security has become more and more painful, and when the airlines lost all of their money they cut service to the bone!  I remember when you used to get beer and wine for free on international flights.  I also remember when you didn't have to take off your shoes, take your laptop out of your bag, bag up your tooth paste, mouthwash, etc, and everything else you have to do now. Now some of this security is necessary, but some is just a little over the top!  I also remember when you used to get served a meal, or at least a decent snack on 4-5 hour domestic flights.  Gone are these days. 

Still, I think changes could be made to bring it back.  Why not just charge $5 to everyone and start serving sandwiches again?  I wouldn't notice when I'm paying $5 on a $500 plane ticket, but I do notice when I'm sitting on the plane and having to pay $5-$8 for a gas station quality turkey sandwich.  Furthermore, when I was flying back from Pennsylvania last year, we had to pay for water!!!  We're talking about a cross country flight and I have to pay for water?  Come on!  On top of that they only took cash and I had spent all of mine the night before.  At least United only take cards now which makes it easier.  Either way, the service just isn't in flying anymore.

I would also suggest the way baggage is handled needs to be looked at as well.  I understand that bags add weight and thus cost money, but there has to be a better way.  In my experience what charging for bags has done is forced everyone to use huge carry on luggage.  Now instead of checking that bag, they bring the same amount of stuff, and roll it onto the plane in a giant wheely bag.  Now all of the carry-on bins are full of roller bags large enough to hold a body.  Then when I get on the plane, I have to put my backpack at my feet, and thus reduce my 4" of legroom down to 2".  No better way to spend 4 hours than sitting in a seat with your knees to your chest.    

Maybe I should start a new business as an airline consultant.  Like every service industry, it's time to start thinking about things from the customers point of view, not just the bottom line.  I understand it's an industry with razor thin margins, but if you treat people well, they will come back!   By the time I'm done, we'll be eating peanuts, drinking diet coke, and actually enjoying our flights around the country. 

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