Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank You Veterans

On a day like today it's easy to give a quick thought to our veterans. At least I hope it's easy as it's a day set aside to do just that.  However, I look at the life I have here in the US and take it for granted most of the time.  I've never served in the military, but have thought about it many times.  I actually grew up wanting to be a fighter pilot, but I think most of my generation did after 'Top Gun'.  However, that was not the course I took in life. 

That being said, I look at the times when my Grandfather and my Dad were my age and must be thankful that the world has changed since then.  My Grandfather was in the navy during WWII as were almost all able bodied American men during the early 1940's.  Had my Dad not been in a motorcycle accident and broke his femur, he would have gone to Vietnam.  Now say what you want about the politics of the current wars, or even the first Iraq war, but here is what I see.  We are still an all volunteer army and there are not near the death totals from previous wars.  You can take a single day in either WWII or Vietnam and it has to be close to the casualty totals for the entire war we are currently fighting.  Now I don't say to take away from what the current soldiers are doing, but instead to say that I'm glad that the officials in charge are starting to see the value in human life.  These are not just soldiers, but they are people with families and friends back home.  They have hopes and dreams and are not just expendable pawns. 

These people are giving up months and years at home in order to serve our country.  How many of you out there could leave the life you are living for a year at a time???  I know it would be almost impossible for me.  So for that, I thank you veterans!  The sacrifices you make are far beyond just putting your life on the line every day.  May you all come home safely and to thankful and open arms from everyone here at home in the US. 

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