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1. Designated Driver - Appoint someone that will ACTUALLY stay sober and be willing to hang around a bunch of drunks while doing so. This is not easy, and still 'having a couple' is not ideal!
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RIDE ON Portland, OR |
I also received the following email from Ride On:
If you are making a post you may want to include it is $15 cash and we do pick up and drop off only in Portland Proper.
3. Radio Cab - (This would be my suggestion) If you cab to and from the venue, this eliminates the temptation for the DD to have drinks, or for anyone else to decide they're 'Good Enough' to drive. If you put 3-5 people in the cab it's not that expensive! To line up a cab call: 503.227.1212. (PUT IT IN YOUR PHONE NOW AND REMEMBER TO LINE IT UP EARLY FOR THE RIDE DOWN) or check out their site:
4. TriMet - TriMet busses, MAX, and Streetcar will all be FREE after 8pm and running until 3am on NYE. So, you can catch a bus, train, or the streetcar to and from your event! For more info and schedules visit their site:
5. Johnny Cab - While I have not tried them, Johnny Cab will take YOU and YOUR CAR home from the bar. If you drive down there, they'll pick you up and take you home for about the cost of a cab ride. For more info call: 877.503.JCAB (5222) or visit their site:
6. AAA Members - In many states AAA offers Tipsy Tow, but not in Oregon. However, if you are a AAA member you can call and tell them you are 'Unable to Drive' and they will tow you home along with your car. Just call AAA at: 1.800.562.2582.
7. Bartenders - Don't forget, you can always ask the bartender. They deal with this all the time and will have ways to get you home.
I hope this is helpful and feel free to share this with your friends in Portland, OR. If you're in any other city Tipsy Tow may be an option. Otherwise, go out, have fun, and remember to be safe! Here's to 2012 being the best year yet!